Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ultimate Bargain

Ultimate bargain.     

A Gujju telephones a Dentist to inquire about the cost for tooth extraction.

Dentist: Rs 850 Sir.

Gujju : Rs 850!!! Too much! Don't you have anything cheaper?

Dentist: That's the normal charge, Sir.

Gujju: What if you don't use any anesthetic?

Dentist: That's unusual, Sir, but can be done and will cut the cost by Rs 150.

Gujju : Ok. And what if you deploy one of your trainee-dentists to do the extraction, without anesthetic?

Dentist: Well, I cannot guarantee professionalism and it also would be painful. But the price could drop down to Rs 400.

Gujju: Hmm. What if you make it like a training-session, like one of your students does the extraction, while the other students watch and learn?

Dentist: It'll be good for the students but quite traumatic. I will charge you Rs 50 for it.

Gujju: Now you're talking! Ok, it's a deal. Can I confirm an appointment for my mother-in-law for tomorrow then?

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